Astha Astrology
Characteristics,Importance,Significance,interpretation, Effects of Mars Mahadasha,Mangal Mahadasha in Astrology

MARS (7 years)

This is a time to pursue goals with energy and passion, and a sense of energy and excitement is present. Courage, a thirst for action and physical strength will be increased. There is a desire in the person to better themselves during this time, and sports and competitions are prominent. Buying a home may also feature during this time as Mars rules property issues in Vedic astrology. If Mars is weakly placed in the horoscope, there may be a lack of courage, strength, inability to improve the life circumstances, and a lack of help and comfort from family. This may bring complacency and stagnation, or else power struggles and arguments with others. Possible health problems include inflammations, wounds, burns, accidents, liver complaints, skin rashes, and cancer in muscular parts of body when in close conjunction with Rahu.

Nine Antardashas (Bhukti or sub-dashas) of Mercury Mahadasha

Mercury Bhukti
Ketu Bhukti Venus Bhukti
Sun Bhukti Moon Bhukti Mars Bhukti
Rahu Bhukti Jupiter Bhukti Saturn Bhukti

Free Astrology

Budha Antardasha | Chandra Antardasha| Guru Antardasha| Jupiter Antardasha| Mangal Antardasha | Mars Antardasha | Moon Antardasha | Rahu Antardasha | Saturn Antardasha | Shani Antardasha | Shukra Antardasha | Sun Antardasha | Surya Antardasha | Venus Antardasha |

Jupiter / Guru Mahadasha | Ketu Mahadasha | Mars Mahadasha | Mercury / Buddha Mahadasha | Moon Mahadasha | Rahu Mahadasha | Saturn / Shani Mahadasha | Sun Mahadasha | Venus / Shukra Mahadasha |