Astha Astrology


According to the Rigveda Jupiter is worth worshipping for the whole world. If he becomes pleased with his devotees he blesses them with prosperity and intelligence. He helps his devotees to be on a virtuous paths and protect them in every calamity. Jupiter is very affectionate towards people who seek his refuge. His great phase lasts till sixteen years. Fast should be observed on dark moon (Amavasya) and on Thursday for his pacification.

Guru Yantra should be established for worship of Lord Jupiter for blessings in prosperity, power, rank, authority, abundance, wealth, business and for strengthening a weak Jupiter in the horoscope with pooja and mantra.


Represents: Planet Jupiter Purpose: for blessings in prosperity, power, rank, authority, abundance


Om Kleem Bra.htmlatya Namah Om Gram Grim Graum Sah Gurave Namah

Yantra Guidelines

First purify your body and start with a clear and positive mind frame Find a place on the floor facing east, where you will be undisturbed. Light the incense or diya. (It does not matter how many you light). Lay a fresh flower and a fresh fruit on the altar. Open the Yantra and place it along with the image of the deity of yantra and your isht God. Take the water with any leaf from any tree and sprinkle the water on yourself followed by sprinkling the water on the Yantra. Then purify your soul and surrender yourself completely in devotion to God and chant 21 times the mantra. Close your eyes and concentrate on the deity to bless you with wishes. Now with all sincerity, ask God to grant you the desire of your life that you wanted to be fulfilled in your own language.

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